The Terpene Drop Company

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What is Sober October?

A lot of people think that Sober October is about giving up alcohol for the month. But it's so much more than that! Sober October is about resetting your relationship with alcohol. It's a chance to take a break from drinking and reassess why you drink, how much you drink, and what role alcohol plays in your life.

Sober October is also a great opportunity to explore new non-alcoholic drinks and find new ways to have fun without alcohol. Whether you're trying Sober October for the first time or you're a seasoned pro, here are some tips to help you make the most of your month sober.

Plan Ahead

One of the best things you can do to set yourself up for success is to plan ahead. Decide why you're doing Sober October, set some goals, and make a plan for how you're going to stay on track. Planning ahead will help you stick to your goals and make Sober October a success.

If you're struggling to come up with goals, consider focusing on one or more of the following:

-How much money you'll save by not drinking

-How many calories you'll save by not drinking

-How much sleep you'll get by not drinking

-How much time you'll have by not drinking

-How much better you'll feel by not drinking

-How many days in a row you can go without drinking

These are just a few ideas—get creative and come up with goals that are meaningful to you!

Find Your Support System No one can do Sober October alone—find friends, family, or co-workers who are also doing the challenge and lean on them for support. It's important to have someone to talk to when the cravings kick in or when you're feeling tempted to drink. A supportive friend or loved one can make all the difference in helping you stick to your goals. 
If you don't have anyone in your life who'ssupportive of your decision to go sober, there are plenty of online communities (like this one!) where you can find like-minded people who are eager to support and encourage each other. 
Keep Yourself Occupied 
It's important to find ways to keep yourself occupied during Sober October so that you don't get bored or start feeling tempted to drink. Try picking up a new hobby, exploring your city or town, taking up fitness or meditation, attending sober events—the possibilities are endless! There are also tons of great resources out there (including this website) that can help give you ideas for things to do during Sober October. 
Most importantly, remember that it's ok if you slip up—no one is perfect. The important thing is that you get back on track and finish strong! Good luck! Conclusion: Completing Sober October is an amazing accomplishment that leaves people feeling proud of themselves and their ability to persevere through difficult times. Remember planning ahead , finding support ,and keeping busy throughout the month will be key in having a successful experience .Sober october allows individuals time reconnect with themselves in order understand their relationship with alcohol . A newfound understanding could lead abstaining from alcohol long term or finding moderation in consumption . Most importantly ,SoberOctober residts inindividuals taking chargeof their lives . They feel empowered because theyhave accomplished something signifcant . Somethingthat was once thought as undoable became doablewith effortless grace . When we realign our prioritiesand put our healthand well beingfirst , anythingis possible ! We hope this article has givenyou some inspirtaionto join the sobriety movementthis month ! [insert CTA]