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What is Dry January?

Have you ever heard of Dry January? If you haven't, I'm here to tell you all about it. If you have, well, I'm still going to tell you all about it becausei it's awesome. In short, Dry January is when people give up alcohol for the month of January. Now, I know what you're thinking. "No alcohol for a month? That's crazy talk!" But trust me, it's not as bad as it sounds. In fact, it's pretty great. Here's everything you need to know about Dry January.

Why Do People Do It?

There are a number of reasons why people participate in Dry January. For some, it's a way to reset after the holiday season. After all, between Christmas and New Year's Eve, there are a lot of parties and a lot of drinking. So, doing Dry January is a way of getting back on track after indulging a bit too much over the holidays.

For others, Dry January is a way of challenging themselves. It's a way of proving to themselves that they can go without alcohol for an entire month. And let me tell you, it is not easy! But it's definitely worth it. Not only do you get a sense of accomplishment from completing the challenge, but you also get to enjoy all the benefits that come with giving up alcohol for a month (more on that later).

What Are The Benefits?

There are tons of benefits that come with participating in Dry January. For one thing, you save money. Alcohol is expensive, so not buying it for a month can free up some cash that you can use for other things (like yoga classes!). You also sleep better and have more energy during the day because you're not dealing with a hangover. Your skin looks better too because alcohol can dehydrate your skin and cause breakouts. Plus, giving up alcohol for a month can help improve your relationship with booze in general. You become more aware of how much you drink and why you drink. And trust me, that awareness can be eye-opening!

Mocktails Anyone?

If the thought of giving up alcohol for an entire month sounds daunting, don't worry! There are plenty of delicious mocktails out there that will help ease your dry january blues. From virgin mojitos to non-alcoholic beer and wine, there are tons of options available these days. So go ahead and indulge in a mocktail or two (or three!) during dry january—you deserve it!


Dry January has become increasingly popular in recent years as people look for ways to reset after the holiday season and challenge themselves to go without alcohol for an entire month. There are tons of benefits that come with participating in Dry January, including better sleep, more energy during the day, improved skin health, and more awareness of your relationship with booze. If the thought of giving up alcohol for an entire month sounds daunting, don't worry! There are plenty of delicious mocktails out there that will help ease your dry january blues. So go ahead and give dry january a try—you might be surprised by how much you enjoy it!